The company Cool Wood s.r.o. was established in 2012 by the Moravian Church in Prague in order to extend the range of its leisure-time activities and set up creative clubs. The company started producing wooden toys and games for the Church children clubs, the child-care centre, the community centre and summer camps. Nowadays the games are part of the company selling portfolio and the creative mobile clubs are organised throughout the country and abroad. In 2015 Cool Wood reconstructed former Church buildings in Brdy. Now it is transformed into a tourist hostel which offers accommodation for groups of individuals. Apart from the reconstruction work Cool Wood also provided most of the hostel’s equipment and furniture.Thanks to its background and experience the Cool Wood company sells not only the wooden products themselves, such as games, toys and furniture, but it provides the design of the interiors or products as well as minor constructional services and also the transport of people or goods.
We help parents and their children to learn to work with wood and make small items under the guidance of the company employees. Among our own clubs and public events we offer other educational organizations, institutions and groups possibility to use our resources and professional staff for excursions and workshops. Thanks to our mobile workroom we can also provide a workshop outside our own premises.
We organize the trounaments in disc games produced by Cool Wood s.r.o. The games with their origin in different countries such as Dutch billiard, French Le Passe Trappe or Picardian D’Gomme and Assiette are less known yet popular. They are different from each other but have one thing in common and that is various sizes of wooden discs. For this reason we call them disc games. We have decided not to only produce these non-traditional and interesting games but also introduce them to the world and unite all fans so that they can share their experience, compete and improve their skills in playing. For this reason we organize one-off actions or tournaments.
We care for people
We care for quality and simplicity
We care for design and practicality
We create beautiful products and a colourful world
More information about our products and activities can be found on www.jbpraha.cz.